Python 3 scripts to assist code reviews
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The hodea-review-minder is a collection of python 3 scripts which helps to conduct code reviews.
The concept of the tool is that issues found during a code review are directly written into the source code as a special C/C++ comment. If an issue is solved it is marked as closed, or it is deleted from the source code.
When the tool is invoked it:
The configuration, the database file and the generated report is usually kept within the project and checked into the version control system.
The hodea-review-minder can be used for peer reviews as well as for group reviews.
There are two common approaches to keep track of review findings and to document that the code has been reviewed.
Using office tools to document reviews and to keep track of findings is cumbersome. You lose the connection to the source code. You can document the file and line number for a finding at the time of the review. But the source code usually changes and your review document gets outdated.
Dedicated review tools are complex and need support from the IT department. They have their own database to hold snapshots of the source code and manage review issues. The findings are stored somewhere outside the real source code. The learning curve is high and it is easy for a software engineer to ignore the findings.
After being having worked with both variants, the initiators of the hodea-review-minder decided to look for a more practical approach.
We like to have the review comments directly within the source code for several reasons:
The hodea-review-minder is called from the root directory of your project.
Let us assume that the review minder is installed in /opt/hodea-review-minder, and your project is ~/work/foo.
When the review minder is called the first time, it generates a subdirectory review_minder with the following files:
$ cd ~/work/foo
$ python3 /opt/hodea-review-minder/
$ ls review_minder
minder.cfg minder.db
minder.cfg is the configuration file and must be adapted for the project. Follow the instructions within the comment for this purpose.
minder.db is the database file used to keep track of review findings.
Review comments can be directly added to the source code. The simplest review comment is:
This is a simple review comment.
A more complex review comment is:
This is a more complex review comment.
The following command parses the source code and updates the database file.
$python3 /opt/hodea-review-minder/ -r false
The script also updates the review comments within the source code. E.g. if the review comment is new it assigns an ID to it.
For the example above the review comments are changed to:
This is a simple review comment.
This is a more complex review comment.
The following command generates the html report review_minder/miner.html.
$ python3 /opt/hodea-review-minder/ -r true
It can be views using a web browser:
$ firefox review_minder/minder.html
If you have to review documents rather than source code you can write the findings into a text file (.txt) in the C/C++ comment style shown above, and use hodea-review-minder to parse the text file.